Saturday, January 22, 2011

I've Been in the Storm So Long

One of the joys of my job is coming across new and wonderful literature (music) all the time.  I find myself swept along in the music as well as the lyrics.   I can't imagine my life without music!  As a friend of mine says, "Music sweeps away the dust of every day life" (or something like that).  Being able to be involved in and create music is like being enveloped(past participle, past tense of en·vel·op (Verb)1. Wrap up, cover, or surround completely.) in an ocean, or universe, of sound and emotion. 
Having said all that.... here is yet another piece that has grabbed my heart.  The music and words combined move me to tears.  I'll be sharing about the rest of our music in the next few days... weeks.
"I've been in the storm so long.  
I've been in the storm so long, children.
I've been in the storm so long.
Oh give me little time to pray.
Oh let me tell my mother how I come along.
Give me little time to pray.
With a hung down head an' a achin' heart.
Oh, give me little time to pray....
Oh when I get to heaven, I'll walk all about.
Give me little time to pray
Dere'll be nobody dere to turn me out.
Give me little time to pray.
I've been in the storm so long,
I've been in the storm so long children....
Oh give me little time to pray."

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