Monday, July 23, 2012

J'y Vais (I'm going)

There are so many things to do, and so much going on.... so many changes ahead.

I should be studying and reading in French, listening to French, immersing myself completely in French.
I should be organizing things in the kitchen because once school starts I'll once again be frustrated as I open cupboards and drawers only to have Tupperware tumble out.
I should be walking, or swimming, or something physical to exercise....
I should be planning meals, making menus, baking bread, cleaning my house...
I should be practicing the piano a few hours every day to stay "in shape" musically...

So many things I would really like to do.  So, what do I do instead?
I sit and stare blankly at my computer, or watch mindless TV.
I write in this Blog.

"Allez, leve-toi!"  (I tell myself.  C'mon, get up!)

How do you climb a mountain?  One step at a time.
How do you eat an elephant (horrible thought, really)?  One bite at a time.

"Allez, pousse-toi!" (C'mon, push yourself!)

"Bien, j'y vais. Mais d'abord, une tasse de thé".  (Okay, I'm going.  But first, a cup of tea!) :)

"I can do everything through Him who gives me strength" (Philippians 4:13, NIV).

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