Friday, December 28, 2012

Would You Want to Know?

If you could know what the new year holds, would you find out?  When I opened my email this morning, there was a link for horoscope with a subject line something like "find out the future".  In some ways it's tempting.  But, what if the year has a lot of bad news?  I wouldn't want to know that!  
I've been pondering my "word" for the year.  Every year I choose a word for the year.  I pick a word that expresses what I want to "work on" or one that I Hope for.  Last year I chose the word "Contentment".  My husband chose the word "Hope".  
As I think about this last year, I feel I was content but also challenged to make some changes.  I've been learning a lot about faith.  I need to trust God for every moment.  True faith doesn't need to know what tomorrow holds.  True faith trusts in the Sovereign love and power of God, our Father who loves us.
I still have a few days to think and pray about my word for 2013.  
I have a fair amount of anxiety about the future as I look at the news... "The Fiscal Cliff"...  unrest in the Middle East, increasing violence in our country in places like malls, theaters and Kindergarten classes.
I wonder about my job(s) (of which I have 3)... my husband's work (he also has about 3-4 jobs)... our own personal debt and the future for our children.  How stable are our jobs?  How stable is anything, really?

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