Friday, August 13, 2010


Joseph and Michael got back today from being in the mountains with their uncle for a few days.  They cut wood, cleared brush and got to use a chain saw!  I'm so glad to have them back, but... it's hitting me now, we only have 5 more days together as a family.  Tomorrow we shop for college stuff (not sure how we're paying for it!)... just Joseph and me. 


Steve said...

God didn't say we get to keep them forever, at least as they are. They are always changing, but when they are young we focus on the physical changes. They are changing mentally and such now.

They all come back different and yet more like us than we expect. It's the adventure of parenting.

Good Providence.


Jeano said...

Thanks for that reminder, Steve! I remember my parents telling me the same thing when they were little. Seems like forever ago.